Friday, January 15, 2010

A Clean Up Will Keep Your Chin Up!

This morning, one of the things on my list of to do's was to bring my closet back up to the standard that I would like. I found a place in my schedule and went to work. As I was paying attention to details...a hair tie, a comb out of place, clothes- dirty/clean etc... I was thinking, Wow! I am taking "valuable" time to put each one of these little things...seemingly their place or home.

I realized, that as I took this time with all these little details, I was actually investing into my future. There sure have been many times where because something was not in place, I was late or wasted a whole lot of time looking for something -where as when I do regular clean ups in the areas that seem to have pile ups, I keep my chin up. I am encouraged. It is so refreshing to go up to my closet now. (It only took 1/2 hour!) (I'll do an even deeper clean on another day)

On to my nap.

Oh, remember you are a prize...valuable to God and others. Take the time to invest in your own life if any area is out of order and watch what happens.

Champion..Let's go for the gold!